Cultural Appropriation
Title: Cultural Appropriation – You Coachella Fuck (BOHO)
Subject: White Supremacy, Racism, & Cultural Appropriation
Created: 2019
Medium: Graphic Design
Software: Adobe Illustrator CC
Dimensions: 36″x36″
Download the 18″x18″ poster (.pdf), Cultural Appropriaton – You Coachella Fuck (BOHO).

Cultural Appropriation
Cultural Appropriation is a series of artworks by Ihanktonwan Dakota artist David Bernie that addresses the cultural appropriation of Native American, First Nations, and Indigenous culture and iconography used for commercial use.
Creative Commons License
This work by David Bernie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. You may download, share, and post the images under the condition that the works are attributed to the artist.