

Please let me know if you have any updates or additional information to share with the community. This resource is continually growing; any help keeping it up-to-date is greatly appreciated. You can contact me at contact [at]

Here are some resources to help you understand your legal rights, stay up-to-date with current legislation, and maintain your mental well-being.

Native Women’s Rights
Mental Health
Native Helpline
Know Your Rights
Native Child Welfare
Native Law
Native Arts & Crafts
Native Boarding Schools

It is important to note that the information provided is public, and each individual is responsible for verifying the sources.

This website offers informational resources and open conversations regarding law, legislation, and health topics. The information and content presented on this website and any linked sources should not be interpreted as legal or medical advice. If the reader or any other individual has a legal or medical concern, it is recommended that they seek the advice of a licensed professional.