Gregg Abbott
Title: World News #83 – Barbaric Tactics (Gregg Abbott)
Created: 2023
Medium: Graphic Design
Software: Adobe Illustrator CC, Adobe Photoshop CC
Dimensions: 36″x48″
“”Abbott has installed circular saws between the Rio Grande border buoys to maim or kill anyone who attempts to climb over,” Jordahl wrote in the post. “Two bodies have already been found trapped in the floating barrier. He wants more migrants to die.”
Jordahl told Newsweek: “Each day the floating wall, saw blades and concertina wire are allowed to stay up, more migrants will be injured or killed and more wildlife will suffer.
“Governor Abbott is turning this beautiful river into a death trap for people and wildlife. Our wildlands and communities will not be turned into war zones. Abbott must be stopped.”
Garcia took the video during a trip to the border town of Eagle Pass, Texas, to “see first hand the cruel & inhumane border initiative,” she wrote in another post on the platform.”
– Newsweek, Close-Up Video Shows Texas Floating Barrier Has Circular Saws.
“The dozens of large orange buoys are connected to enormous concrete blocks lying on the riverbed using chains roughly 40 feet long, according to testimony from a contractor from Cochrane USA, the company that installed the barriers. The buoys stretch about 1,000 feet near the border crossing at Eagle Pass, which Texas Department of Public Safety has alleged is “the center of gravity for smuggling.”
At least two bodies have been recovered near the buoys. A Biden administration official told CBS News last month that the floating barriers have interfered with Border Patrol efforts to patrol the river and process migrants who reach U.S. soil. In one week, the official added, Border Patrol encountered dozens of injured or drowned migrants, including babies.”
– CBS News, Texas defends border buoys at hearing over Justice Department lawsuit.
Download the 18″x24″ poster (.pdf), World News #83 – Barbaric Tactics (Gregg Abbott).

World News
World News is a poster project by Ihanktonwan Dakota artist David Bernie that promotes issues and stories worldwide.
Creative Commons License
This work by David Bernie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. You may download, share, and post the images under the condition that the works are attributed to the artist.